This simple fingernail test could help save your life

If you put your fingernails together and don’t see a small diamond-shaped gap, it could be a sign of finger clubbing, which may be linked to lung cancer. Around 35% of people with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and 4% of those with small cell lung cancer experience finger clubbing.

This Simple Finger Test Could Reveal Signs of Lung Cancer and Other Health  Conditions - Newsweek

Finger clubbing happens in stages. First, the base of the nail softens, and the skin near the nail becomes shiny. Then, the nails begin to curve more than usual when viewed from the side. Finally, the fingertips swell due to fluid buildup in the soft tissues.

While missing this diamond-shaped gap doesn’t always mean lung cancer, it can be an early warning sign. If you notice any changes in your fingers, speak to your doctor.

Brian Gemmell understands how important this symptom can be—it helped save his life.

Finger clubbing was his only symptom

Brian recalls: “I felt fine. No cough, no breathlessness, nothing. But I noticed my fingers were swollen, and I couldn’t see a diamond gap when I put them together.”

His doctor immediately suspected something serious and sent him for a chest X-ray and a consultation. A PET scan showed the cancer was only in his lung. His surgeon acted quickly and recommended surgery to remove the lung.

At first, Brian had doubts. “I worried—can I survive with one lung? What will my life be like after surgery?” But his surgeon’s confidence reassured him. After surgery, his lymph nodes were clear, and he had a positive outcome.

Don’t ignore symptoms—see your doctor

Brian urges others to get checked early: “If you’re worried about anything, don’t wait. That’s what doctors are for. The sooner you go, the better your chances.”

Some people hesitate to visit their doctor, especially with healthcare systems under pressure. But Dr. Helen Piercy, a GP, reminds us: “Even during lockdowns, it was always okay to see your doctor. If you have concerns, book an appointment. Don’t be afraid.”

Other possible signs of lung cancer

Finger clubbing isn’t the only symptom. Other signs to watch for include:

  • A cough lasting more than three weeks
  • Breathlessness or wheezing
  • Chest infections that keep coming back
  • Pain in the chest or shoulder
  • Hoarseness
  • Unexplained tiredness
  • Swelling in the face or neck

If you notice any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. The earlier lung cancer is found, the better your treatment options.

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