Fitness Blogger Reveals What Happens When You Don’t Shave Legs And Pits For 1 Year To Promote Natural Beauty

The fight for gender equality is still ongoing.

Even though women’s rights movements started decades ago, society still has many expectations for how women should look. Some women are finding unique ways to challenge these norms. One example is the trend of women choosing not to shave, and Morgan Mikenas is one of them.


Morgan, a fitness blogger, hasn’t shaved her body for a year. This choice isn’t just about saving money on razors or spending less time on grooming. For her, it’s a way to promote natural beauty and encourage people to do what makes them feel comfortable.


“I’m not trying to tell everyone to stop shaving,” Morgan said in a YouTube video. “I just want to inspire people to do what works for them.” She explained that the biggest reason she stopped shaving was that it took too much time.


Her decision also had a deeper reason. When she was younger, she was once made fun of for having hairy legs. Instead of feeling pressured to fit in, she later decided to embrace her natural look.


Her boyfriend supports her choice. He told her she looks beautiful whether she shaves or not. Morgan hopes that by sharing her experience, she can help others feel confident in their own choices. “I want people to stop feeling ashamed of themselves,” she said.


For her, it’s about questioning why certain beauty standards exist. “It’s unfair that people feel they have to follow these rules,” she said. “Just do what makes you happy.”


This idea might not be for everyone, but Morgan’s message is clear: People should feel free to make choices about their own bodies.


Her story has gained attention online, with thousands watching her video on YouTube. Whether someone agrees or not, her experiment has sparked an important discussion.

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