Dog found in dumpster wrapped up in duct tape: “I have never seen anything like it”

It’s shocking how some people can be so cruel to animals. Recently, a dog was found in terrible condition with his head completely wrapped in duct tape. Thankfully, this story has a happy ending.

On April 15, the Nebraska Humane Society (NHS) shared what happened. Animal Control got a call from someone who heard noises from a dumpster. At first, they thought it was a raccoon, but it turned out to be a dog.

The dog was found in horrible condition—his head, muzzle, and tail were tightly wrapped in duct tape, and his legs were taped together. His fur was also covered in food and dirt.

“I have never seen anything like it,” said Kevin Wiederin, who responded to the call. “The tape covered his muzzle, eyes, and legs. He was just left there, helpless.”

It was lucky he was found in time. Just 30 minutes after the rescue, a garbage truck came and emptied the dumpster.

The dog was taken to NHS, where the staff sedated him and carefully removed the tape. They had to shave his fur to get rid of all the debris.

Missing dog found covered in tape and thrown into a dumpster!

On Facebook, NHS shared that the dog had mild skin irritation but was otherwise in good health. Despite everything, he was wagging his tail and seemed happy.

With the tape removed, they found a microchip. The dog’s name was Leo, and he had been missing for a few days.

Leo’s owner, Erin Dillon-Pasillas, had been searching for him. He had slipped out of the house while she was taking her son to school. She had been calling shelters, hoping to find him.

“I was so stressed. Every day was harder,” Erin said. When she got the call, she was shaking, hoping it was Leo.

She was relieved to have him back but heartbroken over what had happened. “He’s the sweetest dog. I don’t know why anyone would do this,” she said.

Missing Nebraska Dog Found 'Wrapped in Duct Tape' and Left in Dumpster

Leo is now safe and recovering. Erin plans to give him a vet check-up and a bath.

It’s still unknown who did this. NHS is asking for information and offering a $1,000 reward for leads that result in an arrest.

Leo’s story is heartbreaking, but at least he is home now. Hopefully, the person responsible will be found soon.

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