Dreams of an Angel Dreams can reveal many things, and sometimes, they show that your guardian angel is close by. If you dream of an angel, it may be a sign that they are watching over you. They could be sending you a message or just letting you know they are present.
Colored Lights If you notice lights around you, whether they are flashes or glowing orbs, this could be an angelic sign. Angels are often linked to light, and seeing these lights might mean they are trying to communicate with you. If you see sparks or shadows, don’t worry; angels aren’t harmful—they’re reaching out to you.
Temperature Changes If the room suddenly feels warmer or colder for no reason, it could be a sign from your angels. Angels can influence the temperature around them by changing the way air molecules vibrate. Pay attention to what you are thinking or doing at that moment, as it might be linked to the message they are sending.
Finding Pennies or Dimes If you keep finding coins like pennies or dimes, it could be a message from your guardian angel. These coins are symbols of support and guidance, reminding you that you are loved and watched over.
Feeling Warmth When you feel an unexpected warmth, especially in your heart or during quiet moments like meditation or journaling, it might be your angels’ presence. This rush of warm energy can come out of nowhere, signaling that they are nearby, offering love and comfort.
Sparks of Light Angels are often linked to light and energy. Seeing sparks or flashes of light around you could be a sign that an angel is with you. Close your eyes and relax—if the light remains, it may be your angel surrounding you with warmth and healing.
Unexpected Feathers Finding feathers in unexpected places is another sign from your angel. Feathers represent support and love from the angelic realm, reminding you that they are always near, guiding you through life’s challenges.