Theresia Fischer, an influencer and former contestant on Germany’s Celebrity Big Brother, was 5’6″ when she decided to have leg lengthening surgery at 24. Initially, she was happy with the results, but now it seems she has some regrets.

Leg lengthening surgery is a complex process that gradually extends the length of the leg bones. It’s often used to fix differences in leg length or conditions that cause irregular bone growth, according to the Cleveland Clinic. However, because of its complexity, the surgery comes with risks, and some people experience long-term issues.
Professor Hamish Simpson from the British Orthopaedic Association told the BBC, “The techniques have improved over the years, making it safer. But the process still requires growing more muscle, nerves, blood vessels, and skin, making it highly complicated with a high risk of complications.”

Fischer underwent the surgery at 24, which involved inserting adjustable rods into her shins to slowly lengthen her legs. Before the procedure, she was 5’6″. Afterward, she stood over 6 feet tall.
In an interview in August 2023, Fischer claimed her ex-boyfriend encouraged her to go through with the surgery. She said he would tell her, “I like tall women. You could gain up to 14 centimeters.” Over time, his constant comments made her feel dependent on him.

Fischer said she was happy with her body before the surgery and now feels ashamed for changing her appearance so drastically. “I am ashamed because I agreed to a surgery I shouldn’t have had,” she explained.

Besides the emotional impact, Fischer is dealing with physical issues. She has periosteum inflammation, a condition where the tissue around the bones becomes inflamed. This led her to quit a German reality show because running or moving quickly became difficult with metal rods in her legs.

Fischer also discovered that the fibula bone in one of her legs hadn’t grown as expected. Now, she’s looking forward to the day when she can have the metal support rods removed.