Booking a hotel or motel for a trip, vacation, or work stay is a common part of life. One thing that should always be on your mind, though, is your safety when you’re in a new place.

Why should you toss a water bottle under the bed as soon as you check in?
After you’ve checked in, it’s smart to inspect the room. Most people check the bathroom, closet, and main areas to make sure everything looks normal and that there are no hidden cameras or other issues. However, many forget to look under the bed, which can be a risky mistake.

Esther, a flight attendant from KLM Airlines in Holland, has a useful tip. She always tosses a water bottle under the bed when she enters a hotel room. If the bottle rolls smoothly from one side to the other, it’s a good sign that there’s nothing under the bed.
Throwing the bottle first, instead of bending down, gives you a chance to react if something or someone is there. If the bottle doesn’t roll, it might mean something is blocking it, and that’s a signal to leave the room and ask the hotel staff for help.
If you ever feel something isn’t right in your room, trust your instincts. Leave the room immediately and inform hotel security. They can check the room thoroughly to make sure everything is safe.
Looking under the bed also lets you see how well the room was cleaned. Housekeeping might miss this spot, leading to a buildup of dust, trash, or even pests like bugs or mice. Guests might accidentally drop things or leave items there, creating more mess.

So, next time you check into a hotel or motel, toss that water bottle under the bed. It’s a quick and simple way to check both the safety and cleanliness of your room.