Study makes frightening find about women who don’t have sex often

A new study suggests that women who have sex rarely may not only feel more stressed but could also be at a higher risk of early death.

Researchers found that women between the ages of 20 and 59 who had sex less than once a week had a 70% higher chance of dying from any cause within five years compared to those who had sex more frequently.

The study linked this to higher levels of a protein that causes inflammation. Inflammation can damage cells, tissues, and organs, increasing health risks. While men were also included in the study, researchers said that this link was not found in males.

The study concluded that having sex more than once a week could have health benefits for women.

Medical researchers at Walden University in Pennsylvania conducted this study using a large CDC database.

They analyzed national survey data that included information on depression, obesity, ethnicity, and sexual activity from 14,542 men and women.

Participants were asked:
“In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had vaginal or anal sex?”

The answer choices ranged from never to 365 times or more per year.

The data revealed that 95% of people had sex more than 12 times per year, with 38% having sex at least once a week.

To check for any patterns, the researchers compared this data with a CDC database on deaths up to 2015. They then verified the records with the US National Death Index.

The findings suggest that frequent sexual activity may be linked to better health and longevity in women. However, more research is needed to understand why this connection exists.

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