Identical twins Hugo and Ross Turner took on a unique challenge to find out how a vegan diet compares to a meat-based one. Their experiment, filmed by the BBC in 2021, lasted 12 weeks and was overseen by King’s College London.
Hugo followed a strict plant-based diet, while Ross stuck to a diet including meat, dairy, and fish. Both consumed the same number of calories daily and maintained the same workout routine to ensure fair comparisons.
“I Felt Like I Had More Energy”

Hugo admitted the first few weeks of being vegan were tough, especially since he missed eating cheese and meat. However, he noticed that eating wholesome plant-based meals kept his energy steady throughout the day.
Ross, on the other hand, said his energy levels fluctuated. He often felt energetic but sometimes experienced noticeable dips, especially during workouts.

While Hugo’s energy remained stable, his gut bacteria diversity dropped significantly, which could make him more prone to illness. In contrast, Ross’s gut health stayed consistent throughout the experiment.
Ross also noticed that his diet included a lot of processed food compared to Hugo’s fresh, plant-based meals.
At the end of the study, the results weren’t as dramatic as expected. Both brothers experienced different but notable changes.
Hugo’s cholesterol levels dropped significantly, he lost four pounds, and his body fat decreased from 13% to 12%. This also improved his resistance to type 2 diabetes.
Ross, meanwhile, gained muscle and weight, going from 185 pounds to 189 pounds. However, his body fat increased from 13% to 15%.

Though the twins had different outcomes, the study showed that both diets could be healthy when managed properly. The experiment highlighted how diet impacts energy, gut health, and body composition differently.
While there wasn’t a “winner,” the study gave valuable insights into how individual choices shape our health.