Madonna sparked engagement rumors after sharing several photos with her boyfriend Akeem Morris. In these images, she was seen wearing a diamond ring on her left hand, which got fans talking. The pop icon proudly showed off her new accessory in a few photos, including one where she walked down a hallway with Akeem, 28, after a night out.
As Madonna flashed the ring in the photos, fans quickly noticed the sparkly accessory, leading to speculation about an engagement. The photos also showed the couple enjoying the night, dancing together, and sharing a sweet hug between Madonna and her daughter.
In the post, Madonna shared a thoughtful caption, quoting a phrase she saw at a Louise Bourgeois exhibition in Tokyo on New Year’s Eve: “I have been to hell and back and let me tell you it was wonderful!” She reflected on being both a mother and an artist, finding both joy and suffering in these roles. She expressed gratitude for her life, raising a toast to love, health, and the courage to be one’s authentic self in 2025.
Madonna’s relationship with Akeem Morris has been public since August 2022. Though they were not romantically linked until July 2024, their relationship has had its ups and downs, including a break in October before they reunited.
Morris, a former college soccer player and political science graduate, has been involved in Madonna’s life after meeting her in 2022. Before him, Madonna had been in high-profile relationships, including marriages to Sean Penn and Guy Ritchie. In a past interview, she admitted regretting both marriages but emphasized the positive experiences, especially having children.
Madonna’s relationship with Akeem seems to bring her happiness, and her recent post shows how important her family and authenticity are to her.