An English mother of 12, Cheryl Prudham, allegedly handled over $12,000 in stolen coins taken from parking meters. The 34-year-old has been in the spotlight before, mainly for receiving over $49,000 a year in welfare, earning her the nickname “Queen of Benefits” in newspapers.

Earlier this year, Cheryl was seen shopping for a Mercedes at a dealership near her home in Wigan, Lancashire. Her estranged husband, Robert Prudham, 31, is accused of stealing $12,886 from parking meters and failing to disclose his past convictions to a recruitment company.
Authorities say Cheryl, Robert, and another man, Jacob Undertown, 27, were involved in taking cash from several parking lots in Maidstone, Kent. All three deny the accusations but will face trial in November, according to reports.
Cheryl, a part-time cleaner, has 12 children—six from two previous relationships and six with Robert. The couple split up after she said she discovered Robert was involved in an affair with his cousin.

Despite the breakup, Cheryl says she wants another child and plans to use a sperm donor. She has claimed that having children makes her happy and has no interest in being in another relationship.
When Cheryl and Robert were still together, reports say they received $73,626 in welfare payments annually and avoided a $31,899 benefits cap. Some sources claim that having a 13th child could increase her benefits, a claim Cheryl has not denied.

She has also expressed interest in using some of the money for cosmetic procedures, including a breast enhancement and a tummy tuck.
“I’ve spent most of my life having babies, and now I want to focus on myself,” she said. “I’ve had offers for dates, but I’m not interested in men anymore. I just want to have more children.”