‘Horrifyingly goofy’ creature washes onto Southern California beach

A strange sea creature recently washed up on a beach in Southern California, leaving many people puzzled. Its appearance was so unusual that photos shared on Reddit were marked as sensitive content.

The person who found the animal said they discovered it near Dana Point, California. The clear images, along with the location, helped experts identify what it was.

Tim Daly, a spokesperson for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, looked at the photos and agreed with most Reddit users’ guesses.

The creature appeared to be a dead moray eel, though it looked pale and bloated, likely due to being exposed to the elements.

Moray eels are not rare in Southern California’s coastal waters. They typically live among reefs in shallow areas, hiding between rocks and crevices.

While moray eels are not poisonous, they are best left alone. If they feel threatened, they will bite using their sharp, double-rowed teeth, which allow them to hold onto their prey tightly.

moray eel. Credit: Reddit

The discovery led to a wave of jokes on Reddit. Many users referenced a famous song while commenting on the find.

“That’s a moray. Go back tonight to confirm. If the moon hits its eyes like a big pizza pie, that’s a Moray,” one user joked.

“When the jaws open wide, and there’s more jaws inside, that’s a Moray,” another added.

Similar comments kept coming, making light of the situation.

moray eel. Credit: Reddit

Encounters with sea creatures like this remind people of the many unknowns that exist in the ocean.

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