Florida Mom, 55, Shares Why She Showers With Her 19-Year-Old Daughter Every Day

Having a strong bond with a parent is something many people appreciate. Spending time together is important, but most would probably not expect to share a shower as part of that bond.

For one mother and daughter, however, this has been part of their normal routine.

Reality TV personalities Mary and Brittani shared their unusual habit on the TLC show sMothered, surprising viewers with their closeness.

In one scene, filmed in Florida, US, Brittani is in the shower when her mother walks in and says, “Move over, honey.” The mother and daughter say this habit has made them even closer. Mary explained, “I have been showering with Brittani since she was five.” At one point, Mary even jokes, “You need to get some sun, honey. You’re so pale.”

Mary believes there is nothing wrong with their routine. She said, “I love her, and I didn’t plan for our relationship to be this close. It just happened.” She later told the New York Post that this started when Brittani began having panic attacks, which they thought were triggered by hot water.

Mary explained, “That’s how I started showering with her, just to comfort her because she would get scared.” Over time, it became part of their routine. She added, “When she was little, it was every day. Now it’s every other day.” Brittani also spoke about their daily showers, saying they help her feel safe.

“When my mom washes my hair or helps me, it makes me feel comforted,” she shared. She added, “I’m only 19 and haven’t moved out yet. If I did, she would probably struggle with the distance.” Mary sees no issue with their routine and believes it’s a simple way to start the day together.

She said, “I’m just a caring mom! This is how our relationship is, and that’s okay.” Everyone bonds with family in their own way. However, for many, showering together as adults may feel a bit too close.

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