Patrick Hardison was badly injured while trying to save someone from a house fire. As a volunteer firefighter, he rushed into a burning home in 2001, believing someone was trapped inside. But the roof collapsed on him, leaving him with severe burns on his face, head, and upper body.
For years, Patrick struggled with his appearance. He lost his ears, lips, most of his nose, and even his eyelids. He wore sunglasses, a cap, and prosthetic ears in public. Children were afraid to look at him, and people often stared.

Patrick underwent 71 surgeries, but his face still didn’t function normally. He couldn’t blink, smile, or eat without pain. Doctors warned he could eventually go blind. He started to lose hope.
Then, in 2015, everything changed. A team of over 100 medical professionals at NYU Langone Medical Center prepared for the most complex face transplant ever attempted. The challenge was finding the right donor.

After a long search, David Rodebaugh, a 26-year-old who suffered a fatal head injury, was identified as a match. David’s mother, Nancy Millar, chose to donate her son’s face. She said David had always wanted to help others and believed this was the right decision.
Patrick knew the surgery was risky. Doctors gave him a 50/50 chance of survival. The procedure lasted 26 hours, with two teams working together. Patrick received a new face, scalp, ears, nose, and eyelids.

Recovery was challenging. His face was swollen, and he had to relearn basic movements like swallowing and speaking. But over time, his new face settled, and he looked like himself again. For the first time in years, he could blink naturally.
Patrick later met Nancy Millar, the donor’s mother. Their meeting was emotional. She kissed his forehead, just like she used to do with her son.

Today, Patrick is focused on sharing his story and inspiring others. He takes medication to prevent transplant rejection but says it’s worth it. He is writing a book and wants to show people that life can get better.