A kind act turned into a heartbreaking tragedy when Hannah Glass, a college freshman, had a fatal allergic reaction after eating a brownie. This incident highlights the critical need for allergy awareness and caution around hidden ingredients.

Hannah, a student at Maranatha Baptist University, had a known peanut allergy. On November 4, 2024, a friend from her women’s group on campus gave her a gluten-free brownie made with roasted peanut flour, unaware of the potential danger. What was meant to be a thoughtful gesture turned into a deadly mistake. “By the second bite, she knew something was wrong,” said her father, David Glass.
After eating the brownie, Hannah began to show severe allergic reactions, including vomiting and hives. She used her EpiPen and took Benadryl immediately, but her condition worsened quickly. Within moments, her right lung collapsed, a rare complication of anaphylaxis. She was in critical condition.

Paramedics arrived to find Hannah struggling to breathe. During the emergency response, her heart stopped for four minutes. She was rushed to Watertown Hospital, then transferred to Froedtert Hospital for more advanced care. Sadly, Hannah suffered brain swelling and seizures, leaving her with little hope for recovery.
Five days later, her family made the heartbreaking decision to remove her from life support. “Most of her brain was severely damaged,” they shared in a Facebook post. In her honor, they decided to donate her organs, saving four lives.

Hannah’s funeral at Calvary Baptist Church was attended by over 1,000 people who celebrated her kind spirit and devotion to her church and studies. A fundraiser raised over $28,000 to support her family during their time of grief.
This tragedy serves as a reminder of the dangers of food allergies. Hannah’s family urges everyone to keep EpiPens up to date and be cautious about hidden allergens. “We hope to prevent others from going through the same pain,” her father said.