People have been getting tattoos and piercings for a long time, whether to remember someone special or simply for personal expression. However, Anthony Loffredo, also known as “Black Alien,” has taken body modifications to a whole new level. The 34-year-old from France has been altering his appearance drastically for over a decade.

Loffredo has removed his ears, split his tongue, and even had subdermal implants on his forehead. His goal is to make himself look like an alien, and his transformation has been making waves on social media. He calls his journey the “Black Alien Project.”
Anthony’s body changes began after he became fascinated with human transformation. As a child, he was interested in how the body could be shaped in different ways. He started bodybuilding in his youth, but eventually, he decided to take a different path.

Loffredo was a security guard in his 20s, but he wasn’t happy with his life. At 24, he moved to Australia and began focusing on his body modifications. Over the next few years, his transformation became more extreme. He now has black tattoos covering his face, a split tongue, black eyes, and has even had skin implants to give him a reptilian look.

To make his appearance even more unusual, Loffredo has also undergone facial surgeries, including removing his nose and cutting off his upper lip. He’s also shared pictures of his “alien claw,” a new modification where he has missing fingers.
Despite his unusual appearance, Loffredo has support from his family, especially his mother, who he says is proud of him. He’s also planning to travel to different European countries to see how people react to his alien look.

Loffredo is not worried about finding work due to his appearance, but it has made his job search more challenging. He’s open about his frustrations but feels confident in his decisions and has no regrets about his body changes. His journey is far from over, and fans are curious to see how far he will go.