Nicole Eggert, known for her role as Summer Quinn on Baywatch, recently shared her experience of misinterpreting the symptoms of breast cancer, which led to a delayed diagnosis. She initially thought the changes in her breast tissue were just due to menopause. She believed the aging process and fluctuating hormones were responsible for the physical changes.
Eggert didn’t realize the mass on her chest was a tumor. She thought it was simply fat because her bra no longer fit properly. It wasn’t until she experienced pain that she decided to perform a self-examination, which ultimately helped her detect the lump. The tumor was growing and taking up more space.

“I didn’t do self-exams regularly,” Eggert admitted. “If I had, I might’ve found it sooner.” Self-examinations are important for early detection, as they help individuals recognize abnormal changes in their breasts. Eggert emphasized that regular mammograms are essential but should be complemented by self-checks.
Eggert was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy, followed by chemotherapy. Despite her positive attitude, she still faces more surgeries and hormone therapy as part of her ongoing treatment. The recovery process has been difficult, but Eggert’s sense of humor and her strong support system have helped her stay resilient.

Her fans and daughter have been key sources of strength. Eggert, who has been sharing updates on her journey, finds comfort in connecting with others facing similar struggles. She’s grateful for the support from her followers, especially since she felt isolated at times during her treatment.
Her daughter, Keegan, has stayed strong through the ordeal, and Eggert has worked hard to shield her from the more difficult aspects of the treatment. Eggert’s love for her daughters fuels her determination to fight through the challenges.

To support Eggert, fans have donated to her GoFundMe campaign, which has raised 66% of its $100,000 goal. Eggert remains grateful for the ongoing support as she continues her fight against cancer.