40 Unbelievably Wrong Opinions About The Female Body That Were Shared Online (New Pics)

Today, we’re diving into how some men still struggle to understand basic aspects of the female reproductive system. It’s concerning that many men still don’t know the difference between the vagina, vulva, ovaries, uterus, and urethra. It’s 2023, but a surprising number of men continue to make ignorant claims about women’s bodies, especially in the age of social media.

I Can’t Believe This Is Really A Thing

Take a look at these shocking posts from the Bad Women’s Anatomy subreddit, where men confidently display their lack of knowledge. While some women can laugh it off, it’s frustrating to be with someone who doesn’t take the time to understand basic anatomy. The subreddit, with over 566k members, highlights how much work is needed in sex education, whether at school or at home.

Just Wow

Many of the posts document men making absurd statements, like assuming that all women have the same experiences with their bodies, or making unfounded claims about reproductive health. It’s not just about the embarrassing comments; it’s about the bigger issue of poor sex education and a lack of understanding. Some of these men couldn’t identify a clitoris even if their life depended on it.

Maybe Because Babies Come From Women's Womb

What’s worse is that many men are uncomfortable talking about gynecological health. A survey found that 17% of men don’t see gynecological issues as important and a quarter of men are uncomfortable discussing them with their partners. This reluctance only adds to the stigma women face when discussing their health.

Nice Try, Guys

Unfortunately, this ignorance isn’t only a problem for men. According to a 2020 poll, 10% of women also couldn’t label the parts of their own reproductive system. This lack of understanding can lead to women being diagnosed later than men with health issues, which can be dangerous.

The Cathedral Is A Myth

The situation is troubling because women deserve to be heard and understood. Better education, communication, and awareness are needed to bridge this gap. Until then, let’s keep speaking up and making sure women’s health is taken seriously.

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