10 Signs You’re Living With Clogged Arteries

By the time many people reach their 20s, blockages that disrupt blood flow have already started forming in their arteries. Arteries are responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood and nutrients from the heart to the rest of the body, so keeping them healthy is crucial.

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Blockages occur when cholesterol, fat, and other particles build up in the arteries, often due to a Western diet high in meat, dairy, and eggs. These build-ups form fatty streaks that later turn into plaques, which obstruct blood flow.

Coronary artery disease, the most common type of cardiovascular disease, is caused by these blockages. It affects the arteries leading to the heart and is the leading cause of death in the U.S. The blockages cause chest pain and can lead to heart attacks.

But blockages don’t only affect the arteries around the heart. Atherosclerosis, which is when arteries become thick and narrow, can happen in any artery in the body. This can cause different symptoms that might warn of cardiovascular disease.


Here are three common signs of clogged arteries:

Lower back pain: The arteries to the lower back are often the first to get plaque build-up. Around 10 percent of Americans already have advanced blockages in these arteries by age 20. Reduced blood flow can weaken the discs that cushion the vertebrae, causing painful herniated discs or pinched nerves. Studies show that people with chronic back pain are more likely to have clogged lumbar arteries.

Erectile dysfunction: In many cases, erectile dysfunction is an early warning sign of clogged arteries. Reduced blood flow to the penis causes sexual dysfunction. A recent study found that screening men with erectile dysfunction for heart disease could prevent many heart attacks and strokes.

Stroke: When plaque builds up in the arteries leading to the brain, it narrows the path for blood. This deprives parts of the brain of oxygen, leading to a stroke.

What Are the Warning Signs of Clogged Arteries? - Healthcare Associates of  Texas

Treating the symptoms alone might not solve the problem. Studies show that a plant-based diet, low in fat and free of cholesterol, can help reverse blockages and improve blood flow.

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